Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Three Already

Three years since the birth of my first sweet baby girl. Who is now a bubbly, quirky ball of energy that frustrates and delights me simultaneously. Words can not describe how fascinating it is to watch her grow and yet there are times I wish I could freeze the clock because she is changing so fast. A few things I hope to remember about Luci at age three years down the road...
1) She is unbelievably loving and affectionate, always wants to hug on everyone (to the point of irritation sometimes :)
2) The entourage that traveled with her as a baby has stuck by as she is never without a grouping of stuffed animals, barbies, princesses - you name it. The girl loves to gather.
3) She loves books and has an incredible ability to memorize them, I think because she wants to be able to read them herself.
4) Order and predictability make her extremely happy, she asks me every night what we are doing the next day and doesn't usually like to deviate from the plan.
5) She will only wear dresses and prefers to wear them with shorts or leggings underneath. I have no idea why?
All in all she is one of the greatest loves of my life.
Happy Birthday Luci Lu.
The Birthday Girls!!

Playgroup Third Birthday Party - thanks Wolfe family for hosting!

Helmet Update

Wow. You would not believe how amazing the helmet is turning out to be...and I'm actually not talking about my decorative skills this time. Her head has changed DRAMATICALLY in just one month! Its working! HOORAY! She won't be crooked forever...YAY! Also, her therapy is going really well and her neck is remarkably stronger too. Way to go little Ems! (And yes, I may have gotten a bit carried away with the flowers...but hey, why not?!)

Pool Days

We have had the most amazing hot weather summer this year! Given that I refuse to be outside when it is over 80 degrees unless I am by a body of water, we have spent lots of time at the Gio pool the past few months. Luci is completely fearless when it comes to the water (which is terrifying) and her and Jeff are getting a little out of control with the water tricks...Ems is her usual happy go lucky self...loves splish splashing in the water and trys to drink as much as possible!
My bathing beauties...

Why do I allow this?!

One of my favorite new baby gifts...A BABYKINI!! (Thanks Hetus :)