Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New Discovery

You'll never believe this....I HAVE FEET!!! They are like moving toys attached to my legs. Its super fantastic...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Calendar Girl

For Christmas I made my immediate family a calendar for the upcoming year, mommy said I just had to share the June pic with everyone....we could all use a little sunshine these days anyway right?!


Oh Hi! I'm so sorry for not posting in a few weeks. We were wiped out from our roadtrip - and I was feeling a bit under the weather with a stuffy nose and cough, not exactly prime picture material. Even so there has been lots going on...

I'm spending a lot of time on my tummy lately, playing with mom and dad and perfecting my rolling capabilities. I'm also trying real hard to sit up on my own but it always goes a lot smoother when mommy is close by.

I love to relax in my rocker and watch my Baby Einstein videos (even though mom thinks they are a little strange)...

I got a new winter hat for all the cold weather we have been having. This one is really fantastic because it doubles as sleep mask!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

2008 First Playgroup

Several of my friends came over last friday for the first playgroup of the new year - our mommy's can't believe how big we are all getting!! Sophia and Harvey were here too - mommy just didn't get a picture before they left, sometimes she isn't so great at remembering to use the camera....

Road Trip

Mommy, Daddy, godmama Sara and I took my first ever road trip last weekend. We went to visit Stephanie, one of mommy's girlfriends from college in Elgin, IL (Chicago suburb). I had a great time metting her family, Anna (20 mos) and Emmet (8 weeks). We spent lots of time playing together, I hope we can see each other again soon.