Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Our Littlest Angel

I have not spent nearly enough time on this blog talking about what an amazing and wonderful addition our little Emme is to our family. She simply could not be a sweeter baby and has made my life so much more complete....I don't know how I lived without her.

What a GOOF!

For those of you that haven't spent a lot of time around Luci lately, man she is a CHATTERBOX...she talks and talks and talks all day long. Lucky for me she is quite entertaining, here's a few snippets from some recent conversations:

Grammie: Luci, can we get a hug before going bye bye?
Luci: One minute. I can only do one thing at a time like my mom.

Luci, the day the oven repair person came to our house: That's not Miss Michelle. (The previous oven repair person that had come the week before)
Me: No, its not, it's a different person.
L: What's his name? (of course loudly enough for him to hear all of this)
Me: Mommy doesn't know his name.
L: Can you ask him if he knows his name?

Me: What are you thinking about Luc? (asked after she had been quiet for several minutes in the car...rare.)
L: My mentos isn't coming out of my teeth.

Of course there are millions more and I wish I could remember them all....she's quite a goofball sometimes....clearly takes after her dad.

Family Fun

On a whim Jeff got some Tigers tickets so we decided to take a family trip to the ballpark, it was lots of fun complete with hot dogs, carousal rides, cotton candy and pint sized cheerleaders...