Sunday, September 7, 2008

One Year Photo Shoot

The proofs are IN! And they're only here for a week...I had so much fun playing in my backyard during this photo session...Enjoy!!

Go to the website Click the Access Gallery link and enter in the access code below:
Access code: LK824

Just a Few More...

Ok, so everyone really went a little crazy with the camera over Labor Day - here's a few more pics from Aunt Judy that mom just couldn't resist posting...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Nature Girl

If you didn't get to see enough of me in my birthday suit below, here's a video mom and dad took of my fireside tubby time. Clearly you can see how much I enjoyed it - I am truly the happiest in the great outdoors...

Labor Day Vacation

Whew - August has been a whirlwind - after my big birthday celebration I caught a little cold and then mommy caught the cold...apparently we did too much celebrating at the bday party! Luckily, we were both feeling better just in time for our big 5 day vacation to Trout Lake. Grandpa Kucab has a cabin up there and we went for a visit - and then Brian & Judy and Sara & Jared came up for the long weekend. It was SO MUCH FUN. I got totally spoiled by all the attention and learned so many new things about relaxing by the lake. Daddy let me touch a fish (note: DADDY allowed this, mommy was running for the antibacterial wipes) and mommy, Judy and Sara taught me all about how to "lay in the sun" this included reading the tabloids and munching on some snacks. I also spent a lot of time "being one with nature" - I got to take fireside tubbies and run around sans diaper - it was remarkably liberating and I LOVED IT!!

Who knew hillbilly golf could look this good?

Spoiled Rotten...