Here's another Christmas pic mom forgot to download before I did my Christmas blog - both mommy and daddy think its the perfect picture of me!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy New Year
Just wanted to wish everyone a very happy 2009! I missed the ball drop by about 4 hours after having so much fun playing with Grammy Debbie and Nonno. Mom and Dad went to an adults only eighties party, but they wouldn't let me post any of the photos on here...its a G-rated site, people!! So instead you'll get some uncut footage of me with my godfather having some Christmas fun with a few bits of styrofoam. (Please also note that Brian begins this video laying under the Christmas tree, something I found so fascinating that I liked all newcomers to the house to try it out at least once!)
Merry Christmas!!
I had a very, very WONDERFUL Christmas. I spent so much time with all my favorite family members...we were at Grandma and Grandpa Kucab's house on Christmas Eve and then Grandma and Nonno Gio's house on Christmas day. I got so many amazing presents and had so much fun opening them! Thank You SO MUCH!! (And mommy would like to thank everyone too, I think she has just as much fun as I do playing with all the new toys...)

Limb Clarification

Just a quick post to let you all know that despite what the christmas card picture may have indicated, both my arms are fully functional and in tact. Mom was so amazed that I looked so serene and was sitting so nice that she failed to notice my arm looked a little out of whack! So, rest assured both arms are A-OK, I'll make sure to give the final approval before the cards are sent out next year!
For those of you that don't live in Michigan, the week or so before Christmas we had a blizzard. It snowed and snowed and snowed and even mommy wouldn't take the car out (and trust me, this was a very WISE decision for both of us.) So, instead we decided to go out and play in the snow. I was not sure about this choice however because as much as I like all my pretty snow clothes it took a REAL long time to get them all on. Then, I couldn't walk. And I couldn't see my feet in the snow and that was upsetting. Swinging was kindof fun, but a little cold. Finally mom and I just sat together on the deck for awhile and watched the snow fall...this was the best part of the whole activity as far as I'm concerned.

Ok, so let's start from the beginning: SANTA
As usual, I am WAY behind in my blogging. Mom & Dad keep me so busy its hard to find any spare time to sit down and do some computing...I had the very best time over the holidays and did lots of fun things! HOWEVER, before Christmas and all my super fun family time, I had a few visits with the big red guy. Now, I really liked yelling HI to Santa from across the room, looking at him from mommy's lap and giving him a high five, but up close and personal - he is one SCARY man!! I wanted NOTHING to do with the lap sit!! Maybe next year...the reindeer was cool anyway.