Friday, February 26, 2010

New Hobby

Since the arrival of Emme, I have been very busy perfecting my use of the camera. I have turned into quite the photographer these days and spend a small portion of each day snapping pics of the are my two most common subjects:

However, the other day, something very interesting was going on. Some delivery men arrived to remove the sofa daddy didn't like from our basement. I decided to put my photo skills to work and document all the action. (A note from mom, this was actually quite hilarious as she truly was following them around with the camera...)

New Toys...Kindof

Well, given all the snow and baby sis's arrival we've been spending a bit more time at home than usual. Fortunately, mom pulled out all my old toys for Emme to play with, turns out I still like to play with them too...

Who's Who?

Here's a fun game, see if you can guess who's who....


Hi! As most of you know, I'm Emme...and Daddy has been giving Mommy a real hard time about letting me get a few words in on the blog too. Life out of the womb has been pretty wild so far, mommy can't believe it but I'll be six weeks old already this Saturday! I just had my one month appt - I'm 11lbs 14oz and 23 in long!! I'm growing like crazy - that is the 97th and 95th percentiles for my age. I've got a great appetite and much like my sister I LOVE to sleep. This seems to make mommy incredibly happy. I'm working really hard to be able to smile, the whole family is always smiling at me so hopefully I can get my mouth to coorperate pretty soon...its just such hard work between all that sleeping and eating!!

Happy Birthday/Anniversary Mommy and Daddy!

We had so much fun celebrating mommy's 28th birthday!! (which is odd b/c I thought she turned 28 last year...?) Then mommy and daddy went out on a "date" (whatever that is) to celebrate their anniversary, I had lots of fun with grammie & grandpy Kucab, aunt Jill and Uncle Mike! Mom and Dad said thanks so much, they had a great time too!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

This has been a pretty fun month, we're all getting pretty accustomed to having baby Emme around. She's a great little sister so far, keeps to herself and is quiet for the most part. Mom thinks she super fantastic because eats great and sleeps ALOT, especially at night, like 5-6 hrs at a time! I'm just happy she hasn't put too big a kink in my social life, we still all got to go to my playgroup Valentines Day party at the Karras's! It was super fun as always (Thanks Jen and Sophia!) I love hangin' with my friends....

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Emme's First Photo Shoot

Mom has been raving about this new photographer they have at the hospital, and I have to admit, they made baby Emme look pretty darn cute. Unfortunately, daddy and I were busy getting the car seat from home so we could pick mommy and Emme up so we missed out on being in the pics too....