It has been such a wonderful and busy month, MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!! I have had such a great time celebrating with all my family and friends (see post below too). This year we celebrated Christmas Eve at Nonno and Grammy Gio's and then both families came over to my house for Christmas Day. It was the best ever, thank you to everyone for making my Christmas so special!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Holiday Festivities
Then Grammy Debbie, Mommy and I went to visit Santa Claus at the mall. I was really excited about this outing until I actually got close to the guy. He's a little scary in person. I was as brave as I could muster and didn't cry, but I wasn't about to sit on his lap by myself either! The pics turned out a little bizarre as Santa was peeking out from behind me when I thought he had left the scene. Oh well, he must not have been too offended because he still brought me lots of great presents!!
And what holiday wouldn't be complete with out a gal pal celebration?! We had a Christmas party at my house and my friends came over, it was so much fun. We all exchanged presents and I got a really great set of nesting blocks from Ashlyn that I love!! I'm so lucky to have such good friends...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
2 Yr Old Photo Shoot
We tried out a new photographer for my 2 yr photo shoot, Corinna's Camera, and mom and dad were thrilled with the results! The proofs will be up for the next few weeks or so if you want to check them out, here are the instructions to view them....
Go to
Click on the 'Online Ordering' option
Password: lucy
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Arrrrgh Me Heartys!
Next I had a very fun Halloween party at my school where I decorated cookies, then one night we went to the Beverly Hills Hoot with my friend Addie and her family. Unfortunately, mommy didn't take any pics of these events but guess what?! I was dressed as a pirate....
Finally the big day arrived and it was so much FUN! Casey came to go trick or treating with me and we had such a good time. I was very good about saying Trick-or-Treat and Thank You, but wasn't crazy about the whole idea after it got dark. Once that happened I decided it was a much better time to stay in the warm house and hand out candy to all the kids that stopped by. Some of them even traded me suckers for candy bars, mom didn't understand how I could give away the chocolate that easily but suckers are my MOST favorite!! (Even though in the video below I will try to convince you it is chocolate cheesecake...)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
YAY Team Girl!!
Fall Fun
Sparty Party
Well, football season is officially here! My friends and I have been having lots of fun cheering for our favorite team....
The Next American Idol
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A pretty BIG deal